Super Neighborhood Council 14 Updates on Local Development and Drainage
Submitted by Peter Davies, Secretary
Members of TMNA and TMCC continue their efforts to obtain information concerning the redevelopment of the areas adjacent to Timbergrove Manor and their impact of drainage, traffic and utilities. They have been in contact with the City of Houston (COH), Harris County, TxDOT and other neighborhood associations. A brief summary of current efforts follows:
A map showing development republished from the September 2018 edition of The Timbergram
Palisades Park/Grace Bible Church – The developer has cleared the 10 acre site to the west of TMCC Section 5 and obtained access to Hurst Street on the west side of the church and has began underground utility and drainage work. The contractor was apparently working without valid permits so we contacted the City of Houston and arranged to have the Permit Group tour the area and other developments. In addition, it is unknown where the drainage from the development will outfall, as both probable outfalls, the Flood Control Ditch (E105) and Hurst Street, are not capable of accommodating additional runoff. As construction is continuing, we will strive to obtain more information.
Stanley Park – It is our understanding that the City of Houston and Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) are in the process of dismantling the “380 agreement” and there are negotiations to purchase the property and to use it for detention and recreational space.
Timbergrove Drainage Study – As previously authorized by the Mayor in November 2018, the COH Public Works and Engineering Department has engaged a engineering firm to study the drainage for the areas bounded by West 18th Street, White Oak Bayou, the Eureka Rail Yards and Hempstead Highway. In addition, HCFCD also began a drainage study in support of the COH study. Our understanding is that the newly elected Council Member Abbie Kamin is aware of the project and is monitoring its progress.
When more information is available we will update the membership and hope to have representatives address the issues at the General Membership Meetings in the future.