Early Bird Morning Mindfulness at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve
7:30 AM07:30

Early Bird Morning Mindfulness at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve

  • On Wister at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve between the blue box and the fire hydrant (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for one of our free Early Bird Mindfulness Events led by Michele Pola of the Jung Center Houston. Each event will incorporate some gentle movement as well as using all of our senses to experience the environment. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring water, a chair, and a mat or cushion for the ground.

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Early Bird Morning Mindfulness at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve
7:30 AM07:30

Early Bird Morning Mindfulness at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve

  • On Wister at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve between the blue box and the fire hydrant (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for one of our free Early Bird Mindfulness Events led by Michele Pola of the Jung Center Houston. Each event will incorporate some gentle movement as well as using all of our senses to experience the environment. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring water, a chair, and a mat or cushion for the ground.

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Early Bird Morning Mindfulness at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve
7:30 AM07:30

Early Bird Morning Mindfulness at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve

  • On Wister at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve between the blue box and the fire hydrant (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for one of our free Early Bird Mindfulness Events led by Michele Pola of the Jung Center Houston. Each event will incorporate some gentle movement as well as using all of our senses to experience the environment. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring water, a chair, and a mat or cushion for the ground.

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Early Bird Morning Mindfulness at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve
7:30 AM07:30

Early Bird Morning Mindfulness at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve

  • On Wister at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve between the blue box and the fire hydrant (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for one of our free Early Bird Mindfulness Events led by Michele Pola of the Jung Center Houston. Each event will incorporate some gentle movement as well as using all of our senses to experience the environment. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring water, a chair, and a mat or cushion for the ground.

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The Secret Language of Birds
10:30 AM10:30

The Secret Language of Birds

  • Pineshade and Shelterwood at the Lorraine Cherry Nature Preserve (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come meet children’s book author Lynne Kelly and learn about amateur bird watcher Nina and the mystery of the whooping cranes she finds. Ms. Kelly will give a presentation about her book and the magnificent birds. You will be able to purchase her book at the event or you can bring the copy that you already own and have it signed.

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