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Crime in Timbergrove Manor-June Crime Update

by the Neighborhood Security Committee

May was a challenging month for Timbergrove Manor sections 5 - 14. We exceeded the typical number of thefts, had two burglaries, and also had our first robbery since 2015. All were unfortunate incidents, though we are certainly most concerned about the robbery which occurred on May 13. A neighbor was walking his dog when he was held up by two men at gunpoint who demanded his wallet. Though May was a touch month, there were no known crimes reported for April and for het year on average we are inline with 2016.

While adjusting the timing of private security patrols by SEAL Solutions officers has seemingly helped to reduce the late night crimes, we are currently behind our fundraising goals. This means we have had to decrease daytime patrols to allow for those overnight. And, unless we are able to close the gap to raise an additional $20,000 for 2017, we will likely need to cut back on overall frequency of patrols. Now, more than ever, we need YOUR financial support. If you have not yet made a donation to claim your benefits as a financial supporter of neighborhood security, please do it now. You can give now online below. Donate with your dollars today, not with your goods tomorrow.

Please continue to keep a watchful eye out for one another and for suspicious activity and report concerns to SEAL Solutions at 832-956-1966 and HPD when appropriate.