
Welcome to Timbergrove Manor

WE’re glad you’re here…

Timbergrove Manor Civic Club (TMCC) is a non-profit 501(c)4 organization established for the purpose of promoting civic pride, developing social welfare and establishing public unity in Timbergrove Sections 5 – 14. TMCC obtains needed improvements throughout the community and hosts social events that bolster community spirit. It is a membership and volunteer driven organization.

Deed Restrictions

TMCC deed restrictions are enforced and vary by section. New construction, some renovations including but not limited to solar panel installations, changes to fencing, and mechanical equipment relocation, require Design Review approval before permitting. Please review your section’s deed restrictions online and contact our Design Review Committee with questions.


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What does TMCC bring to Timbergrove Manor?

Deed Restrictions & Design Review

We have a thoughtful and diligent Deed Restriction Committee focused on working with residents to be sure deed restrictions are known and enforced. Possible deed restriction violations can be reported on-line through our website and you can be sure your concerns will be addressed. The Deed Restriction Enforcement Committee works hand in hand with our Design Review Committee as it guides residents who are remodeling or building new homes in the neighborhood. Together, they are watching over TMCC like never before.


Special Events and Activities

Timbergrove Manor Civic Club organizes a variety of fun neighborhood activities throughout the year. Watch the calendar for reoccurring annual favorites such as SnowFest with Santa, an Easter egg hunt with pictures with the Easter rabbit, and our Independence Day Ice Cream Social. Make plans to meet neighbors at the annual National Night Out celebration in the fall or at the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner for those of you who have time to help out. Join us for special security events such as VIN Etching auto safety services, neighborhood happy hours and special events in our fabulous flagship parks.

Hundreds of Timbergrove Manor residents participate in and love these events. We have terrific sponsors for our events and most of our organizing and staffing is done by volunteers. But we still have additional expenses associated with neighborhood activities and improvements, and maintenance projects.


Environmental Affairs

Our Environmental Affairs Committee is active in the maintenance and development of our neighborhood parks and spearheads neighborhood resident involvement with sensitive projects like the proposed SouthWaste Expansion and the Bryce St Treatment Station.


Join the TMCC Family

Pay dues or make a supplemental donation to support TMCC efforts and our area parks.


Mark Your Calendar



Stay up to date on happenings in the neighborhood by subscribing to the tmcc email list


Join the Volunteer Roster


Please complete the form below


Find Us on Facebook

Connect with TMCC on Facebook for timely updates on neighborhood news and happenings.